Wednesday 15 September 2010

Deer Ticks

Here is my interpretation of the Deer Ticks a couple of posts below. I still think they look like awful sweets.

Deer Royals

My friend yesterday loaned me this pair of royal Antlers sawn from a deer hunted by his father many years ago. They are absolutely beautiful and provide entertainment by running around with them held up to your forehead pretending to be a stag. I'll have to put a photo of that up on here soon... I borrowed them as I'd like to draw them, It is of course much better to draw something like this from reality than from a photograph.

Deer Tick Females

These are engorged Deer ticks. I had no idea until recently researching Ticks for an illustration I'm working on that they are a member of the Arachnid family. I think these colourful pebbles on the left look absolutely terrifying. It's funny how adding two legs to an insect can instil primal terror in me.

Wednesday 8 September 2010

Lovely DoF shot I found on Flickr


Albert Dock

The Albert Dock in Liverpool is an unneccesarily DEAR (oh dear) place to eat / drink / shop / visit. I do like it, I think the buildings are beautiful (though I'd say that photography-wise STANLEY DOCK is more exciting as it is in such a shockingly bad state of disrepair).

I took this shot last night whilst I was on a walk around town. I've been enjoying my camera recently, THIS LINK takes you to my Flickr photostream where you can find the results of the last couple of days are.


I love Deerhoof. I can't think of anything they have ever done wrong. Image / Artwork / Music all pretty much as perfect as you can get.

Stag Head- Susie Wright- Observations - Central Station Photo

A Stag's head on Central Station...

Stag Head- Susie Wright- Observations - Central Station Photo